Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Welcome to Global GAPS Cuisine!

About 2 years ago, I began having severe digestive attacks.  After many tests and a few visits to the hospital, we still couldn't figure out what the issue was.  My organs were fine.  My basic blood panel showed no issues. Finally, a doctor suggested I go on an elimination diet.  The elimination diet required me to go soy-, dairy-, gluten-, sugar-, caffeine- and alcohol-free for a few weeks.  Although it didn't cure the issue, I started to feel much better and really learned how different foods affected my body.

At about the same time, my son began having multiple food sensitivities.  I started looking for a diet that could help both of us.  By luck, a friend gave me a copy of The Gut And Psychology Syndrome book by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride.  I read the book and saw how this diet could repair all the dietary issues my family was facing. 

I had a problem though - the diet looked impossible!  Even as a trained chef, I was intimidated to start the diet, not knowing how I'd find the time to prepare all the food required for the diet.  In addition, the meals looked BORING!  I'm a foodie!  I love dining at restaurants, exploring food stalls and eating all types of ethnic cuisines.

I started procrastinating.

One week after another would go by.  I just couldn't start this diet.  I knew it would help but I wasn't sure how I was going to give up all my favorite foods for 1-2 years.  Food is my life!  How could I enjoy life on this diet?  How would I get my toddler to comply?  He's a foodie too!

So, I decided to write this blog to make it interesting for me.  To help other parents out there who need the GAPS diet but need fast and easy recipes and still want to enjoy the flavors of ethnic food.  And, for people who love being on this diet but would like to add new recipes to their repertoires.  Follow me on my journey as I explore the wonders of the GAPS diet through global cuisine.  I hope you enjoy! Buon Appetito!