Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My GAPS Redemption

carrots_1.jpgIt's been 2 weeks since my dining disaster.  The road back to digestive bliss was much quicker than anticipated since I was already following the GAPS protocol.  My dear husband was on red alert when I came home doubled-over that fateful evening and had already prepared a lovely bowl of homemade chicken soup for me.  This did wonders to begin the healing process anew.  Through this broth, I have been redeemed and begin again!

Since my husband and I are busy parents, we like to make our chicken broth simply & quickly when we don't have time to do an overnight version.

Here's our "Stock On The Fly" recipe.
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 1 1/2 hrs (up to 3 hours depending on how much fat you want to render)

10 Qt Stock Pot & Lid (or really, any size pot that will hold the chicken!)

1 Pasture-Raised or Organic Whole Chicken
6 Carrots, peeled and cut in thirds
2 Stalks of Celery, rinsed and cut in half
1 Onion, roughly chopped
Bunch of Fresh Herbs (thyme, oregano, rosemary)
Enough Water to fill the pot
Salt & Pepper
  1. First things first, take out the package of organs & chicken parts that's stuffed inside the bird (I once forgot to do this!)
  2. Rinse off the chicken, place it in the pot
  3. Sprinkle Salt & Pepper over the chicken
  4. Place the onion, carrots & celery in the pot
  5. Throw in the fresh herbs
  6. Fill the pot up with water (1 in. from the top)
  7. Cook on high until water begins to boil, then turn down to low and let it simmer slowly for 1 1/2 hours.  If you're trying to draw out as much goodness from the fat and bones for GAPS, you can cook it up to 3 hours.
If you've got the time for a terrific recipe for 24-hour chicken broth, check out Molly's blog at Organic Spark.  It's one of the best blogs around.

As soon as I'm finished with the GAPS Intro Diet - I'll start posting my Global GAPS Cuisine recipes.  Hang tight!  You know how much time it takes to get do all the cooking to get through the intro.....

How did the GAPS Intro diet go for you? Do you have a favorite recipe for broth?  Share with us!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dining Disaster!

Remember when I said I was going to have this one, final, big blow out dinner before fully launching into the GAPS Intro again?  Well, that was a huge mistake!

It started out innocently enough.  I was going to dine with a good friend at my favorite restaurant in town, The Bazaar (and hoped that my celebrity chef crush, Jose Andres, would be in town at the restaurant that evening).  Excitement was in the air for sure!  My plan for painless eating - avoid alcohol, gluten and stick to mostly GAPS approved ingredients.  Sounded good, right?

Well, here's how the evening and my belly got derailed.

First, my friend shows up.  She's having a hard time and orders a drink.  I think to myself, "I can't let her drink alone.  She's really suffering."  So, I stick to a low-sugar wine and I vow to myself that I'll only drink one.  Innocent enough, right?

Well, when you've been following GAPS at 80-90% for a while, and you have a glass of wine, your body doesn't actually know what to do with it....at least, my body didn't.  So, halfway through the glass, I'm already intoxicated and a little lightheaded from the alcohol sugar rush I'm getting.  Uh-oh!

Uh-oh is right!  We're discussing the menu with server and I spy my favorite dish on the menu, their famous Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches.  There is honestly no Philly Cheesteak in the world like it.  At The Bazaar, many of the dishes have an artistic twist and a foundation in molecular gastronomy.  This dish in particular, is made with some sort of lighter than air bread pocket, filled with a cheesy bechamel cream and topped with the most delicate, thinly sliced beef.  The flavor combination is a powerhouse!  As is the digestive destruction that's about to ensue because of course, I ordered it!

After eating the Philly Cheesesteak, I know that things have gone awry.  I work diligently and quickly to reign it in, by changing our order to reflect more GAPS friendly ingredients, but it's too late!  Full on intestinal attacks begin.  My poor friend, trying to finish her meal, is hurried along as I proclaim, "I must go home right now!"

It was a long and painful drive home that evening.  One, that ended with a surprised and concerned look from my husband as I entered our home completely doubled over.  It all subsided after a few hours but I will never let it happen again.  LESSON LEARNED!

When you're already 90% of the way GAPS, stay there and keep healing.  Don't cheat.  I promise you, it's not worth it.  I have never looked forward to a cup of warm broth so much in my entire life.

Have you cheated on GAPS?  How did that work out for ya?  Join the discussion!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

GAPS Intro Diet: The Big Delay

Argh to the world!  I had really hoped to be posting delicious GAPS recipes already but I had a bit of a set back.  I started the GAPS Intro Diet a few weeks ago and clearly wasn't ready for it.  For the first three days, I was stressed, hungry and angry.  Hungry and angry always go together with me.  As I started to fall apart a bit, I decided to reach out to people who have been through the process before.  I discovered a very helpful links, Health, Home & Happiness.  There's a lot of support on that website for starting the GAPS diet and an Intro Diet e-book for purchase.  I was so glad to learn that other families were having some difficulties with this diet.  I'm not alone!

The tips on the website were helpful.  I purchased the e-book but unfortunately, many of the recipes in it had components that I'm strongly allergic to at this time.  I would still recommend the book for some helpful hints.  The most helpful hint for me was to start backward - wean the family off gluten, then do the full GAPS diet and then the intro diet.  Since I'm allergic to many of the foods in the full GAPS diet, what I decided to do was eat my regular diet but increasingly introduce the foods from the intro plan.  It was a success!

After two weeks of adding GAPS Intro Diet approved foods, I'm now following the program about 95% of the time.  I'm finally ready to take the plunge.  Tomorrow, I start the full intro diet.  Tonight, I celebrate by saying goodbye to some of my favorite foods at an amazing restaurant.

Starting tomorrow, I'll be blogging daily about my experiences on the Intro Diet and after getting through the intro, start posting fast, easy and delicious recipes for the full GAPS protocol.

Sorry for the delay.  Wish me luck!